Listed here are some of the charities and organizations we support, and we hope you will support them too. They are listed here because we believe in what they do, and in the services they provide.

We have NO direct relationship (other than by our donations to them) with any of these organizations. We DO NOT receive any consideration, financial or otherwise, for providing these links. They're here because we believe they need your support.

As with any website link, when you click and follow these links, you are going to their site, NOT OURS. You are viewing their content, NOT OURS.

Also, as with any website, make sure to look for the "secure" symbol to the left of the site address in the address bar. This signifies a SECURE site. When you see it, you can click on it to tell you what it means. You should see one on our site. Click on it now. Go ahead, we'll wait... See, it's a secure site.

If you don't see the secure symbol, move on.

NEVER put any credit card info in ANY site that does not have this symbol. (Sorry, but not enough folks understand this, and it's kind of a 'thing' for us).

Anyway, please consider following some or all of these links and contributing whatever you can. We APEZpreciate it.

Save the Music Foundation - They work to provide musical instruments and music technology to keep music education alive in the US.

NAMM Foundation - Works with communities, educators, local music merchants, and others to ensure continued access to music and music education for everyone. A supporting organization of the National Association of Music Merchants.

Fender Play Foundation - They work to provide instruments, music gear and educational resources to communities and educators, emphasizing assistance to underserved and special needs students.

Wikipedia - A free crowd-sourced encyclopedia for the world. As long as they are independent, no country or corporation can dictate what content they provide. And that's important.

Your Local Food Bank - More Americans regularly suffer from hunger than you think. Keep your donations local. Feeding America can direct you to a food bank near you.

World Bicycle Relief - In regions where walking is the primary mode of transportation, distance is a challenge to earning a livelihood. WBR is empowering individuals to access education, healthcare and economic opportunities through life-changing bicycles.

Lastly, we could not have created this podcast without using Audacity and VoiceMeeter. If you know a podcaster, odds are they use one or both as well.

Audacity is freeware, and was donation driven until acquired by MuseGroup in 2021. So, no donations, but big shoutouts to MuseGroup for keeping it FREE.

VoiceMeeter is donationware, meaning fully functional to download and use for free, but when you know it works, and it's what you want to use, you are supposed to donate. That keeps it updated, and hopefully keeps it free. The donations and licensing model is explained on the linked page.